Monday, November 2, 2015

Galle fort visit


                                       Under the module Heritage in planning we learnt about the Galle fort & also the present condition of the fort. After studying about the Galle fort we went to the Galle to visit Galle fort. We went from the university around 8’O clock on 15/10/2015.
                     We went to visit Galle fort as groups and we had to study an area for each group. Our area consisted with four major roads. Namely Rampart road, Parawa Street, Chando Street and Light House Street. When we go through that area we studied about the land use and also about the activities. So many buildings have renovated in that area as Dutch era. We could see about the architectural patterns which have in Dutch era. The court yard is the most common feature of those houses which are in the Galle fort. Not only that, most of the houses have converted in to guest houses and also cafes.
                      When we go there it is not the season of travelling of tourists. Therefore at that time there were less number of tourists in that area according to the people who live in that area. Among the people of there most of them are Muslims. Likewise so many people had rented out or sold their properties to foreigners. After doing our studies we walked around the Galle fort. Within the Galle fort my favourite spot is a small guest house. It was located in Church street.
                      Before I enter it I saw the logo of that cafe. That logo also gave a meaningful idea about that place. And also meaning to the name of the cafe. It was consisted with the image of a pigeon which flying with an earhead of paddy. It was a very special feature of that place. According to my point of views that logo can attract the people who are walking along that street. Why because I could understand that logo says thousand word about the prosperity of that café with comparing others.
                                                 Then I entered to the cafe. The staff was very friendly and told many things about that. According to them it was a hundred years old Dutch house. Now it has renovated and owner of it is a Muslim person. But now it has rented out for a Sinhala person who known as G.A.Samantha. There were 4 rooms. All of those were A/C rooms. One room was rs.5000 and customers were offered by 25% discount for each room in season. Not only that there were hammocks and Wi-Fi. The specialty of that guest house is, they only offer their services for foreigners. In front of that café they have mentioned their menu on two black boards. That café offers a good variety of western and sri Lankan foods.
                                                   Actually the Galle fort is a proud for us. It improves the connection between sri lanka and other countries. We should protect this world heritage proudly.

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