Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Let’s prevent Dengue

                                          Dengue fever is an infectious disease carried by mosquitoes. It also known as break-bone fever. Because it sometimes causes serve joint and muscles pain. Now a days it has become a major problem. Specially it effects for the developing countries like Sri Lanka. Because our health sector hasn’t improve like developed countries in the world. Therefore we should take actions to prevent Dengue.
                             We know that prevention is better than the cure. As same as when we talk about the Dengue we should know about the ways which are support us to prevent Dengue. As I mentioned before dengue carried by mosquitoes. If e prevent mosquitoes we can prevent dengue. For that we should think about our environment. Mosquitoes that cause dengue breed in standing water in crowded urban environment. We should pay our attention towards the places where gather water like tyres and also other water containers etc.
                                 Not only that we can clean out empty flower pots and not to over water potted plants. It is advised to not have any stagnant water around as it acts as breeding ground for the mosquitoes. Specially in home gardening we should consider about that. Specially there are some natural ways to prevent from the dengue. There are some plants which have properties that don’t allow mosquitoes like “Thulsi” plant. We can use like those ancient methods to prevent dengue. As same as we should used to use a mosquito net. Specially small children are they sleep during the day time. That is the time mosquitoes bite highly. We can  avoid it from using method like these.
                                    Likewise we can prevent dengue doing the things like that. If we start to prevent dengue from the our own house it will become a responsibility of all the people who live in the society. Do a little thing. It will prove that prevention is better than cure.