Tuesday, November 10, 2015


                                                 In the modern world we haven’t time to think about ourselves. Everyman has their own job to do in their daily life. Sometimes we can’t remember even that who am I? And also we can’t identify our weaknesses and our strengths. When we talk about personality we should talk about our weaknesses and strengths. Why because through them we can identify ourselves easily.
                      When we tell the word “Personality” what comes to your mind. Actually an actor or actress will come to your mind. Why don’t you think about yourself?That is a major weakness of us. Personality has to do with individual differences among people in behavior patterns, cognition and emotion. Personality is different from each one. It has various definitions according to the person who should describe. Then we should think about what is personality development. When we tell the word “development” what comes to our mind. Does it mean physically growth? Actually it isn’t. That meant the relatively enduring patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that distinguish individuals from one another. There are some personality types. They are Extraversion-Introversion, Sensing – Intuition, Thinking – Feeling, Judging – Perceiving etc. Not only that there are some personality theories. Namely Trait Theory, Psychodynamic Theory, Humanistic Theory, Social Learning Theory etc.
                       Then we should know about how we approach for good personality. Firstly we should be our selves. At many times people are trying to imitate others. Specially peoples are going to be like actors or actress. It is not a suitable thing to develop personality. We should have unique characteristics. Not only that we should adaptable to change. We have to face various situations and various problems. At that time we should have a strength to adapt those things.  Likewise we have to ability to smile. Smile is a strong thing which we have. When we smile we can give a warm welcome to others. Actually beautiful smile also a good quality in our personality.

                                     Not only that we should think and feel good about ourselves. We shouldn’t under mind ourselves.  Why because we should think about ourselves are the best. Through following these things we can have a better personality. If we have a good personality we have Self Confident, Ambitious and hard working, we can do our job properly and we can achieve high results in our career.

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