Monday, November 2, 2015

My opinion about conservation of Galle fort

                                                                          Galle fort is a place which has a high historical value. It has brought a pride to Sri Lanka. Not only that there is an architectural value. It shows the Dutch architectural features. Because of these facts conservation of Galle fort has become important. According to my opinion existing of Galle fort depends on the conservation. But authorities should take actions with a better understanding about conservation.
                                                When we consider about the conservation of that area, mainly Galle Heritage Foundation, Galle Municipal authorities and the Galle police station is doing their jobs about the conservation. But when we pay our attention towards the conservation I feel sometimes the legal frame work has become a harassment for the life style of the people who live in the Galle fort. People can’t live according to themselves. They have to become robots and they happen to live under regulations. They can’t even the change a small part of their houses without getting permission of archeological department. Permission of archeological department has become a very important thing for people who live in the Gale fort.
                                                  Though they get the permission they should have pay huge amount of money to get an advice of an architect who is in the archaeological department of Galle fort. It can’t an affordable. Therefore the people who own those properties from Galle fort are selling them for foreign people. They think that is the only solution for that problem. Not only that sometimes people are not going to renovate their houses. They live in their old houses with low strength features. They take the risk of their lives on behalf of paying lot of money. According to my thinking characters of Galle fort are disappearing day by day. All the houses have become guest houses. It may be a threat for the Galle fort why because then entire Galle fort will functioning as a holiday resort one day. Likewise the prices of the houses in Galle fort are very higher than Colombo 7. It can afford only for foreigners and also high class people who live in Sri Lanka. Actually I don’t think mean of conservation is annihilation of poor people.
                                                     When we discuss about the conservation of Galle fort we should emphasize about the Southland girl’s college, army camp and also about Sudharmalaya Buddhist temple. According to my point of views their functions may effect to the Galle fort and also functions which are happening within Galle fort also effect for those public places. When I talk a friend who was a student of Southland College, she said in her school time their principal madam wanted to build a concrete wall near the back gate of the school. But it has become a struggle after madam talk with authorities. Likewise according to her because of the some activities of foreign people children also confuse. Some foreign couples behave like gay or lesbians. And also some are not consider about children and behave like beasts. Same thing happen for other public places also.
                                                        According to me though we get funds from foreign countries to conserve the Galle fort authorities should pay their attention more about our culture and also tradition. Then we can think about the conserve the attitudes of foreigners about the Galle fort. If we neglect about the Sri Lankan, Galle for will become a paradise of foreigners or it will be a great monument.

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