Thursday, October 29, 2015

Town planning.. For whom??


                                                     Planning is a very useful thing for every task. Before doing some work we should have a better plan to go ahead and achieve the target. That’s why we can say through a plan we can manage every things. Likewise we can do anything according to a better plan. In modern world space also planning. In past it has done automatically. But in the modern world space planning goes ahead with methods. Through the town planning people could arrange their space perfectly. When we discuss about town planning the question “Town planning for whom” comes to our mind.
                  Every work should has a fruitful purpose. Likewise there should be a purpose. According to my point of views I can say that “Town planning is for all the human”. Not for only one special group of people it provides its service for all the people who live in earth. There are large number of towns. But they should be livable. Town planning is not considering about the level of society or level of that community. They want to success the space.
                 Planners haven’t boundaries. Specially they haven’t physical or mental boundaries. When they are planning towns they only consider about the comfort of the people who live in that area. Why because all the things which are done by the planners effect to the life of human. Therefore planners pay their attention every and each factors when they are planning. They want to see a high quality life style. Then they can say we have come to our purpose. Therefore planners should have a better understanding about the people and also about their life style. According to these facts I think “all the people take advantages from town planning and town planning is belonging to the people.”

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