Monday, October 12, 2015

How can we make our cities “Livable Cities?”


                                           Cities are one of the main place which can people have settled down and also gather to do their daily activities. Around the cities there are so many people doing their own business. Though cities have much more infrastructure facilities actually the living conditions in our city are getting worse and worse. Therefore we should pay our attention towards cities. Not only cities we should pay attention how can we make our cities. Urbanization must not just be about building new infrastructure, but also about managing cities sustainably to deliver the energy, water, transport and public requirements etc. Why because the main part of the city is People who are living in the city.
                                         Actually how can we make our cities livable? When we are talking about it we can’t think about one thing. All the things are in the city has connected with that problem. Specially we should understand the current situation of the city. Through that we can identify the things which make cities ugly. One big problem is the amount of rubbish. To reduce the amount of litter, we could make some recycling schemes. Also good things to do might be to add more bins to the city centers etc. As a result we could have cleaner streets and less diseases.Likewise through improving the public transport facilities we can make an attractive environment. Why because through the improving public transportations we can reduce the number of vehicle which are running through the city Centre. Then we can make a green environment and also environment friendly transport service.
                                         Not only that when we are talking abou cities we should talk about water pollution. The best example for that is “Kelani River”. All the factories and residence who have settled down near the Kelani River pollute that river day by day. Likewise all the other cities face problem like this. To solve that problem government should take very clear actions against to reduce this kind of works.
                                         Actually every problem has a solution. The problems which are push cities into hell also can stop. But for that there should be a good community.  Then only all the people can stand against the offenders. All things considered, there are many solutions to all the problems. The sooner we put them into practice, the better our lives will become. Then it is not a dream, live in the best city in the world.

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