Friday, October 2, 2015



                                              People are the strongest being in the world. We have very specific qualities. Specially we have a good knowledge. Not only that we can logically think about each and everything in our lives. Therefore people have become the controllers of the earth. Though we have various skills and a huge knowledge sometimes we behave like failures. Why because actually we don’t try to do some essential things and even we don’t care about our responsibilities. We think only about our rights.
                                               Though we behave like controllers of the world actually we are a part of the world. There are so many owners for the earth like us. But they love earth more than us. When you are reading this article sometimes you may think that “who are those?”. They are not strangers or aliens. Actually they are trees and animals. If we can live without doing any damage for the environment. Then there will not be any kind of environment issues.
                                                 Not only with the environment, we should develop our bonds with each other. We live on this world for very short period. But most of the people live like they are immortal. They want to do everything more than others. Therefore hearts of the people are filled with jealousy thoughts. People think competition is the best thing to go ahead and achieve the targets. But after we become old we realize the truth. The thing is it is too late for recorrect the life. we can realize the life we can win the life.

                                                Though we do so many works in our life sometimes we forget to understand our selves. Don’t forget the things which we should do in our life. Then we haven’t time to think that” If we can” and we will say that “YES, WE DID IT”.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. can we do lot of thing but there is a common words in our sinhalese "Lowen ekek ek Deyakata wei samatha" what you think about that

  3. can we do lot of thing but there is a common words in our sinhalese "Lowen ekek ek Deyakata wei samatha" what you think about that

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  6. exactly...Though that phrase says that there may be some persons who have various skills. If we think positive we can think that words like that " every person has at least one skill"
