Tuesday, September 29, 2015


                                          We come to this world with so many abilities, strengths and also with so many weaknesses. Among those various qualities there is a special one known as "humanity". As human begins all of us have feelings. Specially we can understand others feelings. From the childhood still now we learn things about society from the society. When we live in the society actually sometimes we can't understand that even people know the word "Humanity".
                                           Firstly we learn things from our mother. When we were in her womb we get to know that there are some special feelings in the world why because at that time we feel love, caring, protection etc. After we come to the world we learn step by step what are the good things and what are the bad things. With the passing of time we step into the world.we happen to deal with the society, various people and with various feelings. Actually day by day we become matured enough to understand humanity. According to my point of views humanity consists with so many feelings which can comfort others.
                                         Actually when we are working with others we hope love,caring,sharing and also sympathy from other one. If he or she becomes very rough and rude, dealing with her or him becomes a stress. Not only that when we are talking about humanity mutual understanding is an essential thing which should talk. We should understand others and also their mental condition. We are in various level. Therefore we should identify the things which are in inside of others.
                                       But when we compare the modern society with the past. It becomes completely different. In the modern world people have became selfish. They don't know even the word "humanity". They live in their own world. Actually they don't know even the meaning of the relationship. I think this is the reason for all of the crime. Though people work with other they haven't any idea about their partner. Specially some people don't know that who is their neighbor.Though people think this is the life, those things shows us collapse of the man kind.I think humanity has gone from the society. According to me as human being we should have humanity. If we forget that quality I think we become worse than beast.